Toronto Congress
I've just finished the Harvest of Hope congress in Toronto and was encouraged by the Word, the testimony of others, the worship, gifts and talents presented to God - not to mention the reunions with family and friends! I've been thanking God for His great gifts these days and find myself challenged again to match the outpouring of God's grace with earthy expressions of grace-filled responses... Commissioner Marilyn Frances suggested in one of her talks that people really should be heaven on two legs... I like that... the Kingdom of Heaven is within us Jesus reminds us... so as we GO we bring heaven near... have you thought of that lately? You are the holiness of God expressed on the earth... wow. We carry this glory in earthen vessels... jars of clay. May God give us grace to carry it well.
And just in case you think it's possible to be too heavenly minded to be of earthly good - let me remind you of CS Lewis in his book Mere Christianity, who wrote: ‘If you read history you will find that Christians who did the most for the present world were those who thought the most of the next. It is since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world that they have become so ineffective in this.’
I'm praying for a Harvest of Hope to invade our minds and set our eyes toward Heaven and then our hands toward bringing heaven to earth. Let Your Kingdom Come.