Freedom Fridays


Sometimes for things like Sexual Human Trafficking we feel paralyzed. But as Christians we have something we can always 'do' even when we feel there is not much else.
We can pray.
There are over 50 people committed to fasting and praying every Friday at noon (that's not counting the Canadians who are already doing this) - just from one good meeting (as of Thursday last week)... I'm sure there are more. Every other week you will receive a prayer directive to help you pray. I believe that if we call upon the Lord - He will act on behalf of the victims of human trafficking. Anyone else want to join up to Freedom Fridays?
I've heard of young people praying at school during lunch on Fridays - women of all ages booking the Corps sanctuaries for fasting and prayer and countless other individuals who go without lunch to identify with the pain of victims and spend extra time on Fridays asking God for His intervention. Want to be counted among them? join up today at (type freedom fridays in the subject line and you are officially in!).
Let's pray and then believe God is going to expose, free, and bust open some darkness so light can pour in...