choose life.


Deuteronomy 30:19 (New International Version) This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.

Got some bad news today about a good friend who struggled to choose life, daily. I often wonder why God gave us free will when we use it against ourselves. The tragedy deepens when you know her family history. I'm mad at the devil. I want to break every generational cycle of sin - by choosing life. Could it be that simple? I think so. Just choose life. In every situation...
-when you want to speak 'death' - choose life instead, speak goodness.
-when you desire 'death' by addiction - choose life instead, seek help and community support.
-when you are tempted to give in to 'death' in relationships because they are hard - choose life instead by walking through the storm and finding peace together.
Jesus does not stand off. He is not at a distance. He IS life... choosing life is choosing Him... to be present in everything - to draw near... what's OUR part? simple. choose life. I wish my friend could have choosen it yesterday. God help us choose you today.