Danielle Strickland

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The Liberating Truth: How Jesus Empowers Women

I recently wrote a book about women. I thought it'd be a great way to celebrate International Women's Day by suggesting that people get educated about gender issues and the gospel. Many in the western world simply fail to recognize the way women are systemically oppressed around the world... and until we do, we won't have a gospel that is true to it's promise. The good news is all about setting people free, declaring dignity to all - letting people know that Jesus came to make the world a better place to live - right now, as it is in heaven. And I can guarantee there is no public stoning, female circumcision or sexual slavery in heaven. Jesus is a feminist. There is no question about this (I've written a whole chapter to back it up - so go on and read it!). :-) So, if you feel like changing the world and you are wondering where to start - start with women.