Danielle Strickland

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What love can do.

Was watching a football (Canadian game... Toronto Argos) game today and it reminded me of hearing Pinball Clements (a hugh football star) the other day. He said the thing that defines him is not all the fame, or the family (solid) or the trophies (many) or the hall of fame (huge)... the thing that really gives him value is that he is a child of God.
Raised by a single mom with many difficulties he understands his value to the Lord and lived out his life in response to what he's been given. It wasn't that long ago I heard Bono (THE Bono, from U2) kneel down on stage and recite a Psalm to heaven 'with what can I offer the Lord for the love he has showered on me...'

It seems like an impossible question - impossible response... but the truth of it is that it is also very simple. Jesus said if you love me you will do what I ask. Do what he asks. Live your life back to the one who poured it all your way... responsive living. I'm into it.