One easy step towards social justice...
Some great justice thoughts happening on the JUSTSalvo blog -
check it out.
And on that note - one of the hardest things about social justice (suggests the founder of the International Justice Mission, Gary Haughan) is getting started.
Have you thought about social justice and the way you live?
One good idea:
buy fairtrade - this can be a pain - but a good one... a reminder of the pain developing workers face daily when their labour doesn't produce enough to feed their families. Fairtrade is trying to offer one solution -
why not support it? Some people have suggested it's too expensive or it doesn't taste as good... my response has been that it's worth paying a fairprice - and it probably wouldn't do us bad to remember the cost to the labourers... and the taste - why, I can't believe you've tried enough kinds - there are a whole variety of products.. why not try fairtrade until you find one you like... speaking of which - if you are a salvo, you can even buy your fairtrade at Trade! if not, go to for a complete listing of fairtrade products in your country...
the fierce debate at Justsalvos is about chocolate... my suggestion is NOT to stop buying (or eating) chocolate.. just buy a good kind... one that you can know is
'slave free'. Buy fairtrade - it takes care of several things at once.
I mean, what is there not to like about the option to do social justice by EATING and DRINKING! whhoooo hooo.
Will it cost? yep. Is it worth it? yep. Will it bring glory to God? yep.
Why not decide to make the switch today - then tell everyone about it (especially your local cafes!). I think we could change the world.
Be blessed.